Naruto is a 12-year-old boy who lives in the village of Konoha, one of the hidden ninja village. Her goal since childhood is to become a Hokage (shadow flame) or the number one ninja in his village. Of course to become the number one (in any case) is not easy, especially for Naruto who has one feature that is in the body there is a fox in stealth Hokage seal the fourth generation in konoha.
This phantom had been a massacre in the village konoha.naruto is a child who is spirit and no fear. iabercita - becoming a legendary hokage (tingat top ninja in the country apai). he lives in one of the famous village of Konoha.
the village is a village in the entire village tertentram imaginable. konoha ninja since many traitors who are: ororchiimaru, Kabuto, Sasuke, itachi, and so on have also lain.naruto temana among his stout ie 3 is a sasuke & naruto megajarkan sakura.gurr banality is Kakashi Hatake